The Difference Between A Personal VPN And Enterprise VPN

Cyber Security
unbreakable internet

With the help of VPN encryption, your information and whereabouts remain hidden - even while you browse on a public network. 

What is A VPN?

In simple terms, a Virtual Private Network (VPN) is an internet-based network that allows users to convert public connections into private ones. A VPN is set in place to protect users against external surveillance or tracking when they are using the internet.

VPNs are most commonly used by organisations that want to connect two corporate networks securely. VPNs are also used to connect a remote worker to their company’s network. 

Ultimately, VPNs create secure tunnels between two parties while protecting their traffic against eavesdropping. It also provides a user experience similar to a direct network connection. 

VPNs are a point-to-point traffic solution and can be implemented in numerous ways. A few examples are IPsec and SSL VPNs

IPsec VPNs require client software but can transport any type of traffic from the client to the server. Alternatively, an SSL VPN runs within a web browser and provides web-based access to the company network securely.What is a Virtual Private Network (VPN)?

Personal (Consumer) VPN

A personal or consumer VPN is a service designed for securing your own devices and online activity outside of work. Investing in a personal or consumer VPN is essential for data security. 

VPN services essentially act as your proxies on the internet. With the help of VPN encryption, your information and whereabouts remain hidden – even while you browse on a public network. 

A personal VPN can ensure that no one can see what you do online. It is, however, not a means to partake in any cyber-crime. The only thing a web server can see is the address of the VPN server, and the only way to track someone using a VPN is asking the VPN provider to assist authorities to track cybercriminals.

Data Prot shares, “Internet use statistics point to a growing feeling of helplessness among a large percentage of internet users worldwide. Almost half of the people surveyed said they feel like they have no control over their data, while 33% weren’t sure they could control how companies collect their personal information.

Enterprise (Business) VPN

An Enterprise VPN enables remote teams to securely access their organisation’s online resources. The organisation can control user access and monitor service activities from a centralised place. 

Working remotely allows us an awful lot of freedom and flexibility. Cybercrime is rising, with estimated losses of over a trillion US dollars worldwide. Increased cybercrime means increased cyber security, and VPN’s are now more popular than ever.

When we choose to work from home or a coffee shop, we potentially store our company’s data by easily connecting to a corporate network via public Wi-fi.

A business VPN service protects your transmission from your location to their location, not from your location to the destination application you’re using. If you think about it, this makes sense: A consumer VPN service is operated by a completely different company than, for example, Facebook or your bank.

Benefits for Business Owners

According to the experts at ZD net a consumer VPN service is, fundamentally, a software-as-a-service (SaaS) offering. The VPN service provides a secure tunnel between your computing device (laptop, phone, or tablet) and the provider’s data centre.

Business owners can protect their company’s information by using a strong password management tool and setting permissions that allow users to access specific data and apps rather than the entire network. 

NETLOGiX can provide you with custom solutions if you want particular functionalities.

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