Digital Business Transformation with Netlogix

Cloud Hosting,Cloud Productivity,Peplink,Unbreakable Internet

Our newly cloud-based offices need to rely on the incorporation and integration of corporate tools, improvement in cloud-based management and most importantly, information that is easily and safely accessed and stored.

One thing is for certain. The business arena has changed forever. Implementing a strategic digital business transformation plan can catapult your business into a more profitable future. Digital business transformation allows organisations to be more agile and responsive to overall growth and success. 

Digitally transformed organisations are projected to contribute to more than half of the global gross domestic product (GDP) by 2023, accounting for 53.3 trillion US dollars. 

Our cloud-based offices rely on the incorporation and integration of digital corporate tools, for example, file sharing and storing. A well-implemented digital transformation plan ensures excellent cloud-based management and most importantly, information that is easily and safely accessed and stored.

ITC and Digital Business Transformation

When combined, the term ICT (Information and Communication Technology) relates to all technologies, allowing us to connect and interact in the digital realm. ICT can assist businesses in activities like design and manufacturing, research and development, distribution, sales, and feedback.

Technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT) are at the forefront of the push for digitalisation. NETLOGiX supplies reliable and unbreakable ICT solutions and infrastructure backed by expert knowledge and years of experience.

A Digital Business World

Transforming your organisation to a fully-cloud based operation is essential for company development and flexibility, robust disaster recovery, collaboration and minimal capital expenditure. Cloudwards shares the facts in numbers:

  • Approximately 34% of workers say that they prefer to work in the cloud and look for a new job if required to return to the office.
  • Organisations seem to place a high degree of trust in cloud computing on the whole, with 48% of businesses choosing to store their classified and vital data on the cloud; this includes both encrypted and “regular” data.
  • The implementation of digital technologies can help accelerate progress towards enterprise goals such as financial returns, workforce diversity, and environmental targets by 22%.
  • Companies with higher digital maturity reported 45% revenue growth compared to 15% for lower maturity companies.
  • Interestingly, cloud data centres processed 94% of all workloads in 2021. This proves that non-cloud data centres are on their way out and will be superseded by cloud data centres.

A Digital Business World

Accessing and leveraging your technology for the digital landscape requires speed, security and reliability. Many companies are finding SD-WAN as a way to meet their technology needs. SD-WAN promises unbreakable internet that can help your business boost reliability and flexibility while cutting connectivity costs.

Peplink provides a complete SD-WAN solution, including edge routers that can simultaneously connect multiple fixed or cellular WAN links. Peplink products are reliable, sustainable, easy to use and their support is second to none.

Peplink’s suite of solutions simplifies the management of complex network operations through centralisation. They offer exceptional networking solutions for mobility and specialised markets and help businesses address new demands with 5G equipment.

NETLOGiX distribution arm (formerly Peplink Southern Africa (PTY) Ltd) has been the only Peplink distributor with extensive knowledge and support for southern Africa since 2008. NETLOGiX also has extensive experience with Peplink’s ultra-reliable SD Multi-WAN routers and Peplink’s proven SpeedFusion bonding technology.

Optimise your digital journey with NETLOGiX

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